- The house was deathly still. 房子死寂。
- The house was burnt to ashes overnight. 那所房子一夜之间烧成灰烬。
- The house was disappeared by sorcery. 这座房子被魔法变没了。
- The house was painted green outside. 这房子外部漆成绿色。
- The house was adapted for occupation. 这所房子已被改造得可以居住了。
- The house was built of white brick. 那房子是用白砖盖的。
- The house was made out of stone. 这座房子是用石头建造的。
- The house was painted, the lawn(was) put in order. 房屋油漆了一番,草坪也修整了一下。
- The night was deathly still,I can't help but feel a surge of loneliness. 一个人失眠,全世界失眠。夜是如此地沉默,我不禁感到难以忍受的寂寞。
- The house was set among the trees. 这所房子座落在树丛中。
- The house was walled round with marbles. 这所房子周围用大理石环绕。
- The house was locked and I cannot get in anyway. 屋子锁着,我无论如何也进不去。
- The house was turned upside down by the burglars. 屋子里被夜贼弄得乱七八糟。
- The house was bursting at the seams. 屋子挤得水泄不通。
- The house was shrouded in some strange cloudiness. 房子被笼罩在一种莫名其妙的晦黯中。
- The house was enlarged with a new wing. 增建的厢房使房屋扩大了。
- The house was built in imitation of a Roman villa. 这所房子是仿造古罗马别墅式的建筑。
- The house was half buried under snow. 房子半截被埋在雪里。
- The house was winged on the left side. 房子的左边造了厢房。
- The house was sold by private treaty. 这所房子以私人协议的方式售出。